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Specialty Business Solutions

ROK prides itself on offering a full range of shipping options to meet all of our customers unique shipping requirements.  From blanket wrap to installation...ROK's got you covered.  Call or email ROK today and let us show you how we can meet all of your shipping requirements to save you time and money!


Blanket Wrap Specialists

ROK Specializes in blanket wrapped shipments and with a large inventory of moving blankets, load bars, plywood and straps, we always have the equipment on hand to load your product properly.  We have employees specially trained to load blanket wrapped shipments so whether you just need a truck with the equipment on board to load yourself or whether you need people to load the trucks at your dock....ROK Logistics has you covered.


Have a Shipment that Requires ROK

At ROK Logistics, all of our employees are security cleared with the Canadian Government to install in even the most secure government offices.  Our professional staff will install your product exactly to your specifications and within the timeframe agreed upon....that is ROK's guarantee.  Try ROK today, whether to install furniture in office spaces, product for trade shows, or whatver your needs entail and discover how easy an installation should be when you deal with the right team.


 Provincial Government Contractor

The Ontario Public Service and Infrastructure Ontario (IO) have implemented a policy which requires contractors (ie. contractors, delivery companies, installers, consultants, etc) doing business with the government of Ontario to undergo security screening checks.  Individuals who will be performing work for the OPS or IO, on behalf of a contractor, will be required to participate in a screening check and will require a security clearance card before that work can be undertaken.

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